Argh, rindunye blog ni. Lame jgk tk update, so sekarang nk update puas2 laa konon. Btw, smlm hari Selasa aku & ex-classmates buat Reunion - our very first reunion :)
Tempat : Pantai Teluk Mok Nik ataupun ikot mat salehnye ' Monica Bay '
Masa : 3 p.m - 6 p.m
Bayaran : Bayaran amat berpatutan, don't yuhh worry! hehehe...
Dari depan ke belakang ( Sakinah, Rusnia, aku si tudung merah, Tuan Anis) |
Dari kiri ke kanan (Amalia, Aleena,Anis si tudung pink) |
Semua bersungguh2 hidupkan api tapi Amalia ??! :) |
Girls only ^^ |
The gorgeous guy from left ( Haziq, Nabil, Adib, Shahmi, Hazman) |
Semua dah kenyang, so it's time to go back. Fatin, what're you doing huhh?! :p |
Sorry Adib, I blocked You! hehehe |
She's Anis ( tudung pink). Bff forever, in shaa Allah :) |
Fatin - Nabilah - Anis |
Dalam pukul 6 ptg tuu kami ( aku, Fatin & Anis) gerak balik rumah Fatin. Of course Fatin drive sb die jee yg ade lesen kereta antara kami bertiga. So, dah sampai tuuu Fatin ajak tengok barang2 yg die packing nk pegy
UTP nanti. Wah, byk kot yg perlu di-prepare. Emm, tetibe mood sedih dtg tapi macho mesti jage, malu ahh nanti nangis! kihkihkih
Lastly, to all my beloved friends samada yg tk pergi ke reunion smlm, Nabilah ucapkan all the best to all of you.... Nabilah will miss you! Belajar leklok nohhhhhhh!!!